
Tunjukkan catatan dari Ogos, 2010

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MENINGKATKAN KELANCARAN KEMAHIRAN MEMBACA PERKATAAN DUA SUKU BAGI MURID TAHUN 2 Oleh NUR NADIYAH BT INDRA GUNAWAN Abstract This study was undertaken to improve the reading proficiency of words containing two syllables among  students years two. This study was conducted on seven pupils Year Two Pintar, Sekolah Kebangsaan Chicha Menyabong, Kelantan. The objectives of this study is to improve students' mastery of reading the words of two syllables, to measure the effect of the method used to improve proficiency of studentsin reading and detect variances the students after impliment the method. The results showed that differences in test results from pre and post test. Comparison of pre and post test showed the improved performance of students in the mastery of reading skills. The method used the technique Singing Quarter , Merge me  and syllable pronunciation training was found can help to improve student’ mastery  of reading the words of two syllables. The study found t...

Format Laporan Kajian Tindakan Terkini

 KANDUNGAN                                                                                                         Muka Surat ABSTRAK –BM ABSTRACT-BI PENGESAHAN PENYELIA PENGAKUAN DEDIKASI PENGHARGAAN SENARAI LAMPIRAN SENARAI JADUAL SENARAI RAJAH 1.0 PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Pengenalan 1.2 Refleksi Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran yang lalu 1.3 Refleksi nilai pendidikan 1.4 Kesimpulan 2.0 FOKUS KAJIAN 2.1Pengenalan 2.2 Isu kajian 2.3 Tinjauan literatur berkaitan isu kajian 2.4 Kesimp...